deal value

Utilizing an IMO (Integration Management Office)

What You Need to Know About the "Home Base" for All Your Integration Activities
M&A Leadership Council

Establishing an IMO plan for the purposes of managing integration is highly recommended, as it provides a “home base” for all integration activities and can be set up as a unique cost center to capture integration related expenses.  

Good Gets in the Way of Great

Hero Driven M&A vs. Well-Performed M&A
by Jack Prouty, President of M&A Leadership Council 

In our Art of M&ASM training programs, the number one challenge listed by attendees is securing resources for the M&A effort. Specifically, there are not enough of them; they are untrained or unqualified; or they lack dedicated staff because MA&D is treated as a part-time job in addition to their normal job. Why does this continue to be such a major issue?

The Brave New World of M&A and Tax Reform

What Has Changed and How to Improve Deal Values in Domestic Corporate Transactions
By Michael Williams with BDO, a partner of the M&A Leadership Council

Dealmakers are living in a brave new world of tax rules now. Many describe the recent federal income tax legislation as historic—a once-in-a-generation event—but it would also be accurate to describe it as complex, with far-reaching strategic implications for organizations that transcend the tax function. 

Do No Harm! Really?

Denying or delaying change can cause significant deal value erosion.
By Jack Prouty, President of the M&A Leadership Council

Even if the near-term changes will be relatively minor, your message needs to be, "There will be change within both organizations. We will effectively communicate changes and be smart about it, etc." Effective mergers and acquisitions are all about managing people through the change process.

Completing the Deal: A New Phase in the M&A Life Cycle

Chairman's Message, September 2015
by Jim Jeffries, Chairman, M&A Leadership Council

The deal is not complete at close.  It may not even be complete at the end of integration. To fully capture the value of the deal means going beyond integration to optimization and/or transformation.  How well do you know the stages that occur in the process of carrying out a merger or acquisition?