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Mergermarket Uncovers Some Interesting M&A Data

Mergermarket finds that the value of US Consumer Retail targeted activity up to the end of October is at the third highest annual value on record at $ 45.7bn, after 2005’s $ 48.2bn-worth of deals and 2006’s $ 47.6bn.

A "Fly-In" Deep Dive Training Conference Focusing on IT Stabilization within the Context of the Overall Business Integration

If you’ve taken a look at our website lately, you’ll notice a big change in our offerings for next year.  Based on input from the M&A community and our conference alumni, we are expanding our training programs and the methods for delivering the content. 

By Johanne Bouchard and Council Board Member Ken Smith

The board may be least effective at the very time when its oversight may be most important. Directors are well aware of the high failure rates of mergers, often blamed on poor post-deal implemen­tation. It is usually in this period that the value prom­ised in the deal proposal is actually created (or not), and that the success (or failure) of the deal is thereby determined for shareholders.

Published in the Sept/Oct 2014 issue of NACD Directorship; reprinted with permission


Schedule Your Calendar and Budget Now for 2015!


Make plans to join us for our new rapid, driven and intense 1.5-day courses, which will provide in-depth, advanced analysis of M&A practice specialties such as Strategy, Due Diligence, IT Integration and Legal Risks & Compliance.

We often learn of M&A positions through our partners and other sources. Do you qualify for any of them?  Please take a look and see if you or someone you know would be a good match, and contact us in confidence with your resume as directed below.  

Manager, M&A Integration Practice

A Manager in the M&A Integration practice leads workstreams of major corporate merger integration projects. Essential duties will vary and include:

Mergermarket Uncovers Some Interesting M&A Data

I’ll be the first to admit that I am in desperate need of a new hobby. But this weekend I spent some time analyzing data from our recent survey, The State of M&A Integration Effectiveness™ 2014, related to synergies. My purpose was to bring to light additional insights regarding what specific integration practices executives can focus on to ensure they are driving maximum synergies in their post-deal integration efforts.

Our M&A Training Conferences:
Offering Specialty Deep-Dives in M&A Topics, plus Our Most Popular Course

Registration Opens Soon

Beginning in 2015, the M&A Leadership Council will greatly expand the courses offered to the M&A community. We are proud to introduce a new series of deep dives on tactical M&A topics, and will continue to offer "The Art of M&A Integration," which is always in demand.