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Megadeals Push Cross-Border M&A Index to Record High
A Report by Baker & McKenzie, Published in Collaboration with Mergermarket - Both Partners of M&A Leadership Council

Cross-border deal values in the fourth quarter of 2015 rose to the highest level ever recorded in a single quarter, fueled by megadeals such as Pfizer’s purchase of Botox maker Allergan for US$183.7bn and Anheuser-Busch InBev’s US$120.3bn merger with SABMiller.....

Assessing the Value of Certifications
By Rebecca Fitzhugh, Contributed by Global Knowledge, Preface by Jim Jeffries 

Why be certified in anything?  In nearly any area of specialization, the appropriate professional societies, trade organizations, and bodies responsible for standards and governance find value in the recognition of those individuals demonstrating proof of their...

All-Time High for Deal Volumes Combined with Record Returns for Acquirers
Contributed by Willis Towers Watson, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

LONDON, Monday 11 January, 2016 - Year-end results from Willis Towers Watson’s Quarterly Deal Performance Monitor (QDPM) show that acquirers closing deals in 2015 outperformed their index1 by 10.1 percentage points (pp) during the year. In addition ...
Exploring the Risks, Protocols and Principles of Success in This Type of Deal
Contributed by ContentLive, featuring Mark Herndon, President M&A Partners
The risks involved in so-called ‘mergers of equals’ must be carefully managed if a deal’s objectives are to be achieved and its many potential pitfalls avoided.In one of the biggest business deals of 2014, US chemical giants DuPont and Dow Chemical announced in December ...


Some Interesting M&A Data
Provided by Mergermarket, a Partner of M&A Leadership Council

Mergermarket has released its Global M&A roundup for 2015, including its league tables for legal advisors. Take a look at the report HERE

Chairman's Message, December 2015
By Jim Jeffries, Chairman, M&A Leadership Council

It is my great pleasure to welcome Towers Watson (soon to become Willis Towers Watson when the anticipated merger closes next month) to the M&A Leadership Council for our 2016 programs.  They represent the best of global M&A people practices...

People Issues Can Be the Key to Success or Failure
By Stephen Young and Steve Allan, Towers Watson

Mergers and acquisitions are on the rise and people issues can be the key to success or failure, bringing an opportunity for HR to show it has the skills to contribute effectively. ...

Published in "The Times" and "The Sunday Times" of London
Contributed by Raconteur Media
This year saw the value of mergers and acquisitions hit a record global high of £2.79 trillion and the upward trend is projected to continue in 2016 as confidence improves across boardrooms worldwide. This report examines the top five big-money sectors ....
You May Have Tire Tracks Across Your Back from Lessons Learned the Hard Way
by Mark Herndon, President, M&A Partners
What is the #1 most important people integration success factor? If you said “communications” you just won 1,000,000 “gipper points.” And, I’ll be willing to bet that you’ve also got some tire tracks across your back based on lessons learned the hard way ....
Data Collection and Planning for Day One Communications and Collaboration
by Eli Bakofsky, CFO, Binary Tree
Email messaging is not only the backbone of every organization, but is also an important tool for diffusing the culture clash of the merged organization moving forward. ....